Saturday, July 31, 2010

Need advice regarding Oklahoma child support/ divorce, please!?

My husband has custody of his 18 year old son- we live in Virginia. The ex-wife pays no child support and lives in Oklahoma. My question is- since the child is 18 and has one more year left in high school is it possible for us to either (a) kick him out of the house or (b) send him to his mother to live? There are many, many reasons why we want to do this (the main one being that he is literally destroying our home, our marriage, and our lives with his sullen attitude). This morning he took a swing at my husband because he (hubby) pointed out that the kid needs to wipe up spills he makes in the kitchen.

If we send him to live with his mother will we have to pay child support? Thanks in advance!Need advice regarding Oklahoma child support/ divorce, please!?
Sounds like its time to introduce him to the grown-up world of the justice system!

Your husband needs to sit him down and explain what will not be tolerated as far as behavior goes. Next time, he takes a swing, he should be arrested for assault. Let him spend a couple of days in jail and explain to the court why he can't act more civilized. Since he is now legally an adult, he should be treated like one.

You may well have to pay child support and sending him back to his mother will not help him any.

If he doesn't want to comply with house rules, I suggest you give him a ride to a homeless shelter and give him a taste of what he's in for, if he doesn't behave in a more socially accepted manner.Need advice regarding Oklahoma child support/ divorce, please!?
you know you sound like a total b**** right? shouldnt have married him if you didnt love his kid
If your child is having emotional issues, the first thing to consider isn't who should or shouldn't be paying child support. The first thing to consider is how to get him some help.

If he's 18, you have no legal obligation to keep him in your home. You'd be well within your legal rights to kick him to the curb. He's old enough to provide for himself.

However, that would not be the best thing to do, as he'd be likely to drop out of school- screwing up the rest of his life.

Instead, I'd suggest going to family counseling, and getting anger management counseling. Sounds like you could use some help in this situation.

The parental thing to do is try to find some sort of resolution. Seeking professional help would be the best thing to do.

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