Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am currently trying to get divorced any advice?

Im trying to get divorced from my husband he is making everything a difficult as possible any advice from anyone who has been through this would be appreciated? we have two small kids and a house to sort out !!!I am currently trying to get divorced any advice?
Remind your soon to be ex that there are children involved and that this is going to affect them. Remind him that you don't have to be husband and wife anymore, but together you are still a mother and father. Trust me, open communication and no hostility in front of the kids makes this easier.I am currently trying to get divorced any advice?
I hired an attorney and told him I am paying him good money and he better make sure to do his job well because I will not hesitiate to fire him and find another one who will. By the time my divorce was over, my attorney proved he was well worth the money spent.
Stick it to him! Tell him it's a little late to realize he's losing a good thing. Document everything that shows his bad judgement, behavior, or lack of responsibility.
What you need is a moderator , Someone who will talk for you. He has no choice, He can lose everything if he doesn't.

Some court houses can help with that.
If you don't have an attorney you might think about getting one. Don't give up. Don't get discouraged because everything seems to work out in the end. Write everything down. Phone calls he may make to you and what was said, encounters you two may have. Deep a log of dates, times and instances, it may become handy in the future for visitation and custody issues.
In your case you need either a mediator, or an attorney! In my case I was lucky, and kept the house, have no kids involved...

Call a Divorce Attorney immediately, while it may be expensive, that is going to be the only way for you , if your husband is making things difficult.
Hang in there and stay focused on the wonderful life you'll have after you finally get rid of the loser
1 if you do hot have one, get a lawyer

2 get away from his presence and do not speak to him or see him - all communications to go through the lawyer

3 tell your lawyre you need to get on with your life - quickly - and tell him to expedite everytong and to fight anytime your husband slows down

4 start your new life before the paperwork is done --- in other words, start now honey

He wil be come distraction, but jus ignore him
I too have been divorced. I got the house. My ex was verbally abusive plus came at me with knives. He kept telling me if he couldn't have me nobody could. Trying to scare me. Does the husband have a job so he can pay you child support. If he is abusive go to a womens shelter place

where he won't get to you.
Get an attorney have the house appraised. But dont move out the judge may look at it as abandonment and not give you anything. He cant stop you from getting a divorce. If you want him to pay for it talk with the attorney about splitting the fees or your husband to pay all court and attorney fees.
Get a lawyer -

see if it's possible to sit down with a mediator and workout child custody and visitations.

If not - then you go to court and get theses issues resolved.

Present yourself as a good parent - always. Be truthful, don't pick fights , handle matters through lawyers - since you stated he is being difficult. Adhere to time frames and rules that are put in place.Do not accuse him of something if it can't be substantiated - have documentations/reports in hand or the witnesses present or (statements in hand.)

Give clear facts not accusations - train yourself to be in control of temperament - remember you have to show the courts who's believable and the better parent for the children to reside with... I do hope you have supportive family and friends.
Obviously the fact that you're asking this on Yahoo answers tells us all that you do not have an attorney and probably don't have the money for one. A mediator is the next best thing as people have said. Unfortunately, talking to your husband is not going to do a single thing, if anything, it fuels his fire. He is looking for complications so a word from you is a match to a fire. People in divorces often do this out of anger and frustration. Sometimes it isn't that they don't want a divorce, they just have emotions that they can't rationally categorize and it comes out like this. Many, Many adults do not have the proper tools for effective communication and we see it too often where situations like this come up. So let a professional handle it. That;s their expertise. You and your husband are not experts. You;ll get swallowed up in the anger and emotions.
Then get a lawyer, but it will be expensive for both of you. If you can come to terms...1) just sell the house and split the money and agree to custody arrangement you could do your own divorce. Far less money, but it cannot be done if there is going to be a fight. At your local library there is a book called do it yourself divorce, you just copy all the forms you need and fill them out yourself. Again, this is only if you both finally can agree on something. Good Luck!
file for custody %26amp; support through family court, they will provide you a free attny if you can not afford 1 yourself. That way at least the kids are taken care of and u get support from him.

do an on line search for the state u r in and that can help with some ?s you might have.

you can go to an attny for a free consult and get answers that way as well, I have done this and it helps and saves $.

ask yourself what is worth fighting for and what you can give up to speed things up.

good luck and I hope things get easier.

Try being fair with each other. If there are children try and work it out if possible.
why dont you try to work stuff out. half the time if women would get over themselves and not be so selfish maybe there would not be so many broken homes . and also i would like to remind you that the chance of your kids not only divorcing themselves. being drug and alchohol addictited not only increases but more than likely will be right were your kids are headed all because you did not want to swallow your pride, and stick it out. you are not helping you your kids or your husband...
Do what my mum did. Get legal representation. (then she handed the whole situation over to a friend and moved overseas for 12 months. When she came back all her belongings were in storage and she was divorced) I know you can't take off with your children but maybe get some distance from the situation by not making any personal contact. Even if it means another relative drops %26amp; picks up the kids at his house when he has them. Unfortunately it will cost more than doing it face to face but it will save a lot of hassles for you and it may be over much quicker. Also it will be better for the kids if you don't argue with each other. Make a pact that you won't badmouth each other in front of them even when the other parent isn't present. It's all about what's best for them right now. Good luck, I wish you the best.

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